Contact Us

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Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in McNally Change & Transformation Consultants (MCTC Ltd)! We would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information below:

Contact Details

  • Address: McNally Change & Transformation Consultants Ltd, Summit House, 4-5 Mitchell Street, Edinburgh, EH6 7BD
  • Email:
  • Company Number: SC619958
  • VAT Number: 315983971

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True Consultancy, Designed To Set You Up For Success

At MCTC Ltd, we understand the complexities and challenges of change and transformation. We believe that successful organisational change requires careful design and coordination of people, processes, and technologies. With our extensive experience across various industries, including banking, retail, hospitality, fisheries, air travel, and defence, we have identified the elements that deliver success and those that accelerate failure.

Training for Successful Change and Transformation

We recognise that people are an organisation’s most valuable asset when it comes to delivering beneficial change. Our tailored and engaging training solutions are designed to help individuals and groups understand the change process and achieve the desired end state. Whether you need training on change and transformation activities or methods, we specialise in helping organisations embed new ways of working.

True Consultancy: Your Success Is Our Success

At MCTC Ltd, your success is our top priority. We believe that nobody knows your business as well as you do. Instead of leading your change and transformation activities, we act as your trusted advisers, guiding and supporting you in your leadership and delivery of transformation. We work closely with you, ensuring sustainable change and catching the ball when your hands get too full.

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Accessing The Right Support

Leading and delivering change and transformation can require additional expertise. We understand the importance of surrounding yourself with experienced professionals. If your organisation lacks the necessary skill sets, we can help you access specialist and experienced support for your change activities. Whether you need PMO support, technical assistance, financial controls, or commercial support, we can connect you with external resources on a quick and temporary basis.

Relevant Training for Successful Change

Training plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of your change activity and the effective implementation of new ways of working. At MCTC Ltd, we offer tailored training solutions that go beyond off-the-shelf qualification packages. We provide standardised yet customised training for groups and individuals, enabling initial competency and awareness within your organisation. Additionally, we offer targeted coaching and support schemes to help your people put the training into practice, delivering the benefits and results your organisation needs.

Embracing Agile Principles

The world is accelerating, and many organisations are looking to adopt agile principles to reduce costs and stay ahead. At MCTC Ltd, we understand agile and its principles and techniques. We have experience with different methodologies and frameworks, allowing us to utilise various elements of these frameworks for different outcomes. We offer training packages tailored to your organisation and industry sector, providing the opportunity to gain agile qualifications in Scrum Master and Product Owner. Additionally, we provide specialist training for change management, benefits management, risk management, and Project, Programme, and Portfolio Management.

We look forward to hearing from you and discussing how we can assist you with your change and transformation needs. Get in touch with us today!

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